The National Theater School of Canada commissioned Belmon Construction to carry out the expansion of its school.
The National Theater School of Canada commissioned Belmon Construction to carry out the expansion of its school.
PROJECT DETAILSThe CIUSSS de l’Est-de-Île-de-Montréal commissioned Belmon Construction to remodel the collection center at Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital.
PROJECT DETAILSThe Patriotes School Services Center commissioned Belmon Construction to carry out multiple repairs to Jacques-Rocheleau school.
PROJECT DETAILSThe Patriotes School Services Center has mandated Belmon Construction to carry out multiple works at St-Charles school.
PROJECT DETAILSThe GBDA Group commissioned Belmon Construction to carry out the development of a 5000 sq. Ft. Pharmacy on two floors.